A meta-analysis of scientific studies evaluating Zeiss’ At Lisa tri family intraocular lenses (IOL) has offered new insight into its performance in terms of patient satisfaction, spectacle independence, visual acuity and predictability.
Zeiss has published a whitepaper focussing on the clinical performance of the presbyopia-correcting IOLs, which have featured in more than 75 peer-reviewed publications by 60 different first authors.
The results, based on studies assessing the IOLs’ performance in 9000 eyes of 4,500 implanted patients, predominantly focussed on the Zeiss At Lisa tri 839MP, which was launched to the European market seven years ago.
Of peer-reviewed tri 839MP publications, 23 have so far explicitly investigated patient-reported outcomes. In this cohort of studies, eight reported patient satisfaction to have reached 100% and a further nine rated patient satisfaction as greater than 90%.
The three remaining studies, according to Zeiss, did not explicitly rate patient satisfaction as a percentage, but included qualitative assessments of patients, which equally attested the lens to ensure satisfied patients.
A meta-analysis of the studies investigating visual acuity demonstrated the lens reliably ensures “excellent outcomes regarding visual acuity at far, intermediate, and near distances”, Zeiss reported.
Specifically, for the Zeiss At Lisa tri 839MP, a vast number of studies reported that patients achieved an average binocular uncorrected intermediate visual acuity (UIVA) of 0.1 logMAR or better.
“In individual studies, Kretz et al reported that the intermediate visual outcomes in a series of 50 patients were very good, with 79% of eyes achieving UIVA of 0.1 logMAR or better, 94% of eyes achieving 0.2 logMAR or better, and all eyes achieving 0.3 logMAR or better. The mean postoperative logMAR UIVA was 0.09 when measured at 66cm.”
In that same study, it was also reported that 91% of patients reached binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) of 0.0 logMAR, 79% attained binocular UIVA of 0.0 logMAR and 87% binocular uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA) of 0.0 logMAR. Furthermore, 100% of patients reached at least binocular UDVA, UIVA and UNVA of 0.3 logMAR or better.
According to the analysis, the IOLs have shown that the lens delivers predictable and stable results over time.
Kretz et al reported 90% of 100 eyes treated had a spherical equivalent (SE) within ±0.50 D three months after surgery. Mendicute et al reported postoperative SE was within ±0.50 D in 85.9% of cases and 83% of cases one month and three months after surgery, respectively.
At one month and three months, 95.1% and 97.6%, respectively, were within ±1.00 D of intended refraction.
Finally, of all peer-reviewed publications, several studies specifically tested the levels of spectacle independence with the At Lisa tri 839MP, which was reported to repeatedly achieve high scores at all distances.
“To cite a multicentre prospective study, Mendicute et al reported that spectacle independence at all distances was higher than 90% after three months,” the analysis found.
“The breakdown for each category was 99% for distance, 95.1% for intermediate and 89.2% for near vision at three months.”