The Garage Café & Bar in Carlton was the venue on 30 April for the ‘University of Melbourne Optometry Students Trivia Spectacular’, sponsored by Heine Australia and Device Technologies.
After arrival drinks and with platters of food placed on their tables, the 80-plus students got down to business forming syndicates and then answering 45 trivia questions on ophthalmic and other topics put to th by MC Michael Yung, Device Technologies’ Australasian learning and development manager.
Midway through those questions, 10 True/False questions were put to th by Gary Wyatt, the company’s national sales manager, ophthalmics. That was for an Apple iPad 3 donated by Insight, which was won by Joe Wang.
Marking the answer papers were Lenore Robertson and Kate Waterhouse (a mammoth task), with Device Technology’s Joe Way and Heine’s Aaron Harvey helping th out.
Mbers of the winning syndicate were each presented with a $30 Coles Myer gift voucher.
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