– Harrison Weisinger rejoins company as director of professional services (global)
Specsavers has announced “signilficant investments” in the development of its operations in Australia and New Zealand.
“Since we first opened for business in Australia and New Zealand seven years ago, we have built a network of more than 350 stores and have a current team of more than 800 full-time-equivalent optometrists in partner, ployed and locum roles,” the chief executive officer of Specsavers ANZ and its global chief financial officer, Mr Paul Fussey, said on 9 Novber.
“We now offer more than 100 CPD points annually via our clinical development program including our successful grand round roadshows, the Specsavers Clinical Conference and much more. We have a digital retinal camera in every one of our store locations and we are constantly monitoring advancents in diagnostic equipment for our optometrists to introduce into their practices at the right time.
“Looking ahead, we have stated publicly that we need to expand our team by more than 200 optometrists each year for the coming years to keep pace with patient dand and store growth. To do this means investing strongly in optometry and the development of enhanced clinical skills for all Specsavers optometrists and for the public. And we need the right team to lead and support that investment in the future.
New software in Cylite’s HP-OCT allows contact lens design
Cylite, the Melbourne manufacturer of the “ground-breaking” Hyperparallel OCT (HP-OCT), has teamed up with EyeSpace on the integration of software...