A home-based, non-invasive sleep mask to treat diabetic retinopathy has been adopted by a hospital network within the UK’s National Health Service (NHS).
PolyPhotonix’s Noctura 400 sleep mask has reportedly been adopted by Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust, which is the largest provider of acute hospital services to residents in the county of Surrey in south east England.
According to reports, the Noctura 400 Sleep has been shown to improve patients’ visual acuity, and could potentially save the NHS millions of pounds a year.
Backed by the RENDER Study, the device has demonstrated improvement and stabilisation of diabetic eye disease in 96% of patients. It is an early-stage non-invasive alternative to current, later-stage invasive treatments such as eye injections for patients with the condition; which is a leading cause of blindness in Europe.
Med-technews.com reported that, based on research undertaken by Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust, improving patient outcomes with an earlier stage intervention could save the NHS £3,000 (AU$5,300) per patient. It is believed that the sleep mask could deliver cost savings estimated more than £180 million (AU$318 million) per year, if adopted across the NHS.
The current NHS pathway involves monitoring patients with early signs of diabetic retinopathy until their eyes deteriorate and qualify for treatment intervention. The Noctura 400 sleep mask uses intervention at an earlier stage. It can reportedly be worn during normal hours of sleep and prevent the need for anti-VEGF intravitreal injections.
The mask maintains or improves patient’s vision and the physiological effects of diabetes on their eyes by delivering a precise level of light at a particular wavelength during a patient’s normal hours of sleep in a home-based setting.
Noctura 400 administers low-level light to prevent the eyes’ increased demand of oxygen at night and reduces the damaging effects of diabetic retinopathy.
“The trust’s decision to offer the sleep mask as part of its diabetic retinopathy pathway is great news for patients and the NHS alike,” Mr Ulrich Meyer-Bothling, consultant ophthalmic surgeon at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said.
“For patients, it represents a pain-free treatment option for their condition. It is non-invasive, and they are, in effect, treated whilst they sleep. It also doesn’t require patients to attend the hospital as frequently, giving them more of their time back. It represents a gentler approach to treating or even preventing diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular oedema. I’m proud that most of the patients I have treated with the mask have shown stabilisation and improvement in their diabetic eye disease.”
Mr Richard Kirk, CEO of PolyPhotonix, said for the NHS, treating diabetic retinopathy patients with the Noctura 400 sleep mask represented a cost-effective alternative.
“At a time when our healthcare budgets are already stretched, adding the sleep mask to existing care pathways makes sound financial sense in helping healthcare services recover from the pandemic and freeing up hospital appointments for those in greater need of emergency care,” he said.
“Most importantly, it prevents problems before they arise and enables doctors to improve patient care.”
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