Ophthalmic device distributor BOC Instruments has received TGA registration for its new RetiCam 3100 Plus wide-field fundus camera.
In a media release, the company said the ultra-wide field fundus camera “presented true fundus colours for accurate diagnosis”, which would be beneficial to ophthalmologists and optometrists for diagnosis of peripheral and central retinal pathology.
“Image capture is an impressive 176o field with a single shot and multi-shot capture larger than 260o field,” it said.
The RetiCam is developed by SysEye, which has been manufacturing advanced, innovative ophthalmic diagnostic devices since 2011. SysEye has “more than 50 patents and exports to over 40 countries globally, its aim is to be a global leader in ophthalmic devices”, BOC Instruments reports.
This latest device provides simple, one-touch control to ensure operation “is a breeze”, with automatic alignment, focus, capture and exposure.
“It employs an intelligent system for precise positioning with impressive focusing speed and accuracy. Soft exposure technology reduces pupil shrinkage and enhances patient comfort.”
The device uses true colour restoration and 4K high-definition display to generate wide-field fundus images with crystal clear image clarity.
“This fundus camera has a built-in Windows PC, is extremely slim and compact and even ideal where available space is restricted,” the statement said. “It includes a 27” monitor which can be wall-mounted to further reduce required table space.”
Those keen to know more were encouraged to contact BOC Instruments on 02-96437888 or email sales@bocinstruments.com.au.
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