The latest model, which is being unveiled at ODMA17, can take UWF digital images of 200°or up to 82% of the retina in a single non-contact optomap image. Users are provided with 3 in 1 colour imaging that includes the sensory view, Choroid view and composite colour, while a setting change can also produce Autofluorescence imaging as well.Optos managing director Mr Jason Martone said the release was a highly anticipated addition to the company’s range.“We are very excited to be showcasing our new Ultra-widefield devices at ODMA and are working together with BOQ Specialist who will be able to offer a range of finance options including deferred repayments to those people who purchase at the show,” Martone said.He added that the finance package is subject to credit approval.The device comes with Optus Advance software and is DiCom compatible. It captures non-mydriatic, high-resolution images through 2mm pupils in less than 0.5 seconds with simultaneous views of the central pole and peripheral fundus.
In some cases its eyesteering feature further extends the field of view to the past vortex vessels, while it can also produce a 3D wrap for patient education.
According to company information, optomaps are faster to capture, easier to review and show more pathology than traditional examination techniques. They show pathology not visible with conventional technology as the early signs of many ocular diseases present in the retinal periphery, making it easy for th to initially go unnoticed.More reading: Show & Tell Report
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