You would be aware by now that Expertise Events Pty has teamed up with SILMO as promoted by Insight to bring an event to ICC in February 2017 prior to ODMA2017 in July. You the ODMA mbers own ODMAFAIR whether you exhibit at every event or have never exhibited. ODMA2017 is scheduled for 4 – 7 July 2017 at the ICC in Darling Harbour. The timing of our Fair is no accident but the result of detailed research as to the most effective time to host the Fair. ODMA has a new board which you elected in Novber who will continue to work tirelessly to look after the Association and its mbers interests including maintaining your Fair as the number one successful optical trade fair in the Southern hisphere To protect our mbers ODMAFAIR has been exclusive to companies with an Australian distribution arm. Factories from Asia and manufacturers without Australian wholesale arms have never previously been admitted as they wish to sell direct to retail. ODMA ploughs every cent from its fairs back into projects to benefit its mbers and the independent sector of the market. Just a rinder of the work ODMA does with the proceeds of ODMAFAIR:
- We provide $000s of dollars in scholarships to train optical dispensers from independent practices
- We provide $000s of dollars to support dispensing training of students of optometry
- We provide FREE Start your own Independent Practice advice and modelling
- We provide FREE education and resources to help practitioners be better retailers
- We represent the industry on Standards committees and will host an International Standards Meeting in Sydney in 2016
- We lobby the government on matters affecting the optical industry
- We contribute to OGS, MDF and Vision 2020
- We use the proceeds from the Fair to provide advice, services and support to mbers to improve the independent mark
- We conduct high quality research on behalf of the industry
Rest assured your elected board is doing everything within its power to protect the success and reputation of your Association and your Fair….The ail was signed by directors Robert Sparkes (chairman), Mark Altman, Craig Chick, Richard Grills, Lionel Minter, Phuong Nguyen, Nicole Perry and Brad Saffin, and Finola Carey (chief executive officer).