Its publication resulted in an overview-style, science article in the Daily Mail Australia, a repository of balanced reporting and seingly even more ‘balanced’ readers, most of whom were probably responding to the original United Kingdom edition’s article as few respondents were Australian.The article’s reception, as judged by the 45 respondents who saw fit to make comments on the Daily Mail article, was poor. An analysis of the responses is interesting and is presented below after an overview of myopiagenesis.The researchers quoted reads like a who’s who of the myopia world and include such people as: Prof Kathryn Rose Head of the Discipline of Orthoptics at UTS, Sydney; Prof Seang Mei Saw, School of Public Health, National University of Singapore; Prof Christine Wildsoet, Optometry and Vision Science, UC Berkeley; Prof Ian Morgan, Visiting Fellow, College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, ANU; Dr Donald Mutti, College of Optometry, The Ohio State University; Dr Nathan Congdon, Professor of Preventive Ophthalmology at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Guangzhou, China; Mr Ian Flitcroft, Children’s University Hospital, Dublin; Dr Regan Ashby, Assistant Professor of Neurobiology, University of Canberra and Visiting Fellow, Research School of Biology, ANU; and Prof Frank Schaeffel, Head of the Section of Neurobiology of the Eye, Institute of Ophthalmic Research, University of Tübingen.
RetiCam 3100 wide-field camera cleared for Aussie market
Ophthalmic device distributor BOC Instruments has received TGA registration for its new RetiCam 3100 Plus wide-field fundus camera. In a...