Preservative-free Hylo-Fresh (sodium hyaluronate 0.1% w/v, 10mL), delivers lubrication for dry eyes of moderate or medium severity, while the more viscous Hylo-Forte (0.2% sodium hyaluronate w/v, 10mL) is ideal for the treatment of severe or chronic dry eye.Hylo drops provide a systatic approach to dry eye treatment through the unique COMOD (COntinuous MOno Dose) application syst, delivering at least 300 sterile drops per bottle. Both can be used with all contact lenses, are suitable for post-surgery use, and are phosphate-free.AFT PHARMACEUTICALS1800 238 742 WATCH VIDEO
Major Aussie study: Surgeons in public sector seeing more complex cataract cases
The largest study of contemporary phacoemulsification cataract surgery outcomes in Australia has highlighted concerns that surgeons in a public setting...