According to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, the revised registration standards that came into effect from 1 July were for:
- Professional indnity insurance arrangents
- Recency of practice
- Continuing professional development.
The revised standards were approved by the Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council on 27 August 2015.Now in effect, the revised standards apply to optometrists (except for CPD), medical practitioners, chiropractors, dental practitioners, medical radiation practitioners, nurses and midwives, osteopaths, pharmacists, physiotherapists, podiatrists and psychologists (except for Professional Indnity Insurance [PII] arrangents).The Optometry Board of Australia (OBA) is also reviewing its CPD registration standard.The revised standards apply to applicants for renewal and most applicants for initial registration. It was said they had been rolled out to align as much as possible with the renewal cycles for each profession and to allow preparation time where there were changes from the existing standards.All health practitioners who undertake any form of practice in their respective profession(s) must have PII arrangents that comply with the relevant registration standard, for all aspects of their practice.Initial registration and annual renewal of registration requires a declaration that the health practitioner will not practice unless they have appropriate PII arrangents.The standards were revised after a scheduled review, which included public consultation.