The Optometry Board of Australia is inviting Deakin University optometry students set to graduate in the next three months to apply for registration.
The Board is urging graduates to get their applications in early to avoid delays and assist them entering the workforce sooner.
To apply, graduates must create an account using the online services portal and complete their application. They then must upload their documents and pay the required fees. Lastly, graduates must wait for their education provider to provide their graduate results to Ahpra.
Further, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement and Support team is available to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduates through the registration process.
It provides a one-on-one service ranging from helpful tips for navigating the registration process to regular phone contact, updates on relevant work being done in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme around cultural safety and advice on disclosures made on registration applications.
Applicants must meet the Board’s requirements for registration, which includes the following standards:
• English language skills
• Professional indemnity insurance
• Endorsement for Scheduled medicines, and
• Criminal history.
Graduates may also need to tell the Board about any criminal history and any health impairments that may affect their ability to practise.
The Board will aim to finalise applications within two weeks of graduates receiving their results. This assumes graduates have submitted a complete application.
“When you are registered, we will publish your name to the register of practitioners, and you can start working as an optometrist,” the Board said.
For registration enquiries or difficulties with the online application form: contact the Board by making a web enquiry or calling 1300 419 495 (within Australia).
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