RANZCO has announced the election of Professor Nitin Verma as president-elect, following a recent council meeting.
Verma, a prominent ophthalmologist with a special interest in retinal diseases, will formally take up the role on 10 October when he will succeed Associate Professor Heather Mack, the first female elected to the position in 2018.
Verma was voted in at a RANZCO Council meeting on 13 June, and comes to the role with experience as Professor at the University of Tasmania School of Medicine and head of ophthalmology at the Royal Hobart Hospital. He is also a Clinical Professor in Ophthalmology in the University of Sydney.
He has been in private practice at Hobart Eye Surgeons for the past 15 years. He was also awarded Hobart’s Citizen of the Year in 2013 and became a finalist for Tasmania’s Australian of the Year that year as well.
While Verma is not currently a college director, he has been a long-term member of the RANZCO Board and was vice president between 2018-19.
He currently chairs the RANZCO Future of Ophthalmology Taskforce and has been a member of several RANZCO committees.
Verma also has close links to other areas of the eyecare community, particularly as a director of the Macular Disease Foundation of Australia.
The RANZCO presidential term is for two years, with the president holding the position of RANZCO Board chair. The president can only serve for one term.