Prior to being named the interim CEO, Prof Naidoo was the deputy CEO of the BHVI. He is also a board mber and director of global programs for the its public health programs as well as a mber of its managent group.
Prof Naidoo is currently the CEO of the African Vision Research Institute and an associate professor of optometry as the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where he also served as the head of optometry.
He is a Fulbright Scholar, was African Optometrist of the Year in 2002 and named International Optometrist in 2007. He was jointly awarded with Professor Brien Holden the Schwab Social Entrepreneur Award for Africa in 2010.
Prof Naidoo has been awarded a PhD from the University of New South Wales, a Doctorate of Optometry from Pennsylvania College of Optometry, a Masters in Public Health from Tple University and a BSc and BOptom from the University of Durban-Westville.
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