Optometrists are urging parents to add eye tests to their back-to-school checklist after new data revealed that 27% of children who underwent a test in 2024 were found to be myopic.
A media release from Bupa Optical said the figures represented an alarming contrast to figures from the 2010s – a survey from the Child Myopia Working Group in 2018 suggested just 15% of parents in Australia had a child diagnosed with myopia.
This was before the COVID-19 pandemic, when time spent in front of screens surged, potentially contributing to permanent eye issues.
In the release, Bupa Optical optometrist Ms Karen Makin said: “Unfortunately, we are seeing more and more parents telling us their children used to have perfect eyesight but are now squinting or having difficulty concentrating in class.
“This is part of a concerning trend of kids spending increased time in front of screens and less time playing outdoors exposed to natural light which can help reduce the risk of developing myopia or help to slow down the progression of myopia,” she said.
“Mobile phones are a particular concern as they tend to be held closer to the face meaning the eyes are continually focusing at a close distance, not varying their focus from one distance to another.”
Myopia can often be attributed to genetics, however lifestyle factors such as screen time, physical activity and even diet play a major role in the development of healthy eyes, particularly for children whose bodies are still growing.
“A child’s eyesight can change very quickly which means annual eye tests are a great way to track any emerging issues and address them before they start to impact their schooling or general development,” Makin said.
The latest data from the Child Myopia Working Group in 2022 suggests that around 30% of children under 18 have never had an eye test, which means there is likely to be a large number of undiagnosed childhood cases of myopia in Australia.
More reading
Research: Contact lenses used to slow myopia in youth have lasting benefit
Myopia Navigator tool now available in 126 countries
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