In a statent, the ACBO board announced that Kypros would be leaving in July, following the ACBO’s national conference. Her replacent has not yet been decided on.“I met with our executive director Veronica Kypros earlier in the year to discuss her plans for the future, and Veronica has informed the ACBO board that she plans to retire from ACBO service after [the National ACBO Vision Conference] in July,” Steve Leslie, ACBO President, said.“Naturally the ACBO Board is very saddened Veronica is retiring, but we can also understand after ten years of incredible work to develop behavioural optometry and ACBO in Australia, that she would like to lead a slightly quieter life and explore other possibilities.”{{quote-A:R-W:400-I:2-Q:“Although this has been a tough decision, I believe it is the right one and ACBO will benefit from a change, bringing with it new ideas and development.” -who:Veronica Kypros, ACBO.}}Kypros told Insight that she has received substantial support from the Board during her decade at the organisation, but the time has come for her to step down and focus more on family and personal interests“I have always treated ACBO as if it is my own business: investing all of my time and attention into my role, which is what is required. I’ve made many wonderful friendships which transcend business, and will continue to nurture th after my official departure from ACBO.”“Although this has been a tough decision, I believe it is the right one and ACBO will benefit from a change, bringing with it new ideas and development. I’ve done my best to set it up for success, now someone else can run with it,” Kypros added.The ACBO board statent expressed their gratitude for Kypros’ leadership and work with the organisation over the years. It also stated that it would soon begin advertising for a replacent. More reading:RANZCO challenges evidence behind behavioural optometry
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