Launched just six weeks ago, the new lenses are designed to feel like a single vision lens, however, the lower portion incorporates a shift to a 0.5, 0.65 or 0.80 add power. {{quote-A:R-W:450-I:2-Q:Three viewing shifts provide the options that optometrists require when dispensing the best optical solution.-WHO:Paul Stacey}}The clinically tested lens is based on a new design that adds extra reading power to the lower part of the lens, easing the eye strain and fatigue normally associated with prolonged intermediate and near vision tasks.Shamir Australia CEO Mr Paul Stacey said eye fatigue is a growing issue, especially with people spending up to 10 hours a day in front of computers or digital devices.“Shamir R&D developed the Relax lens with this in mind. Being unique in lens design and digitally produced, vision in all viewing zones is extrely clear. Three viewing shifts provide the options that optometrists require when dispensing the best optical solution,” he said.“Shamir has developed this innovative solution for protecting the eyes from harmful blue light as well as offering comprehensive UV protection with improved anti-reflection on the rear surface of the lens. For the perfect combination, we recommend Shamir Relax with Glacier Blue Shield coating.”
Registration fee hike for optometrists and ophthalmologists in 2024/25
Australian optometrists and ophthalmologists have been unable to escape a registration fee hike for 2024/25, but the regulator says it...