The most successful sales and marketing campaigns are based on common-sense approaches and there is genius in their subtle simplicity.These approaches may first appear obvious and easy to implent, as if they are simply common knowledge; however, common sense is not always so common.Here is a collection of marketing and sales principles considered basic but often ignored by businesses.LET THE MARKET LEADIt is very common for entrepreneurs or established businesses to approach their markets with an idea, product or service they believe will be successful. They may have conducted extensive market research, consulted with focus groups and sampled sections of the public to amass data that appears to give th the green light, only to find that their idea, service or product fails to take flight.Market research is a measuring stick, not the final outcome. As companies develop new ideas, they must make these ideas flexible to market changes by following the leads of their target markets. How often do companies attpt to push a product onto their customers for little success?GIVE AWAY SOME SECRETS{{quote-A:R-W:450-Q:Operational secrets are one thing, but the benefits that separate one business from its competitors must be shared with customers.}}Competitive advantage is a critical component of marketing and sales success. Yet, many businesses keep their competitive advantage a secret. They do this out of the fear that competitors will steal these ideas and take away their market share.In fact, the opposite is true. A clearly stated competitive advantage increases market share and drives more customers to a business.Operational secrets are one thing, but the benefits that separate one business from its competitors must be shared with customers if they are to understand th.For example, if one were looking for an office cleaner, wouldn’t it be nice to know what makes one cleaning company better than another?Now, the cleaning company owner might be thinking, “If we give away the secrets that make us a great cleaning company, our competition will steal those secrets and put us out of business.”On the contrary, if customers don’t know the features and benefits of the business, they’re unlikely to choose it.Closer to home, if an optometry practice has a unique range of frames, not easily obtained elsewhere or, say, free OCT examinations, then it should boast about this service.Tell patients why the business is so good. The rewards a business gains from sharing its competitive advantage overwhelms any minor gains that might flow to competitors.LOVE THOSE CUSTOMERSIt is so hard to acquire, foster and retain loyal customers in today’s competitive markets that businesses should never take th for granted. Treat every patient like gold and rove any obstacle that might deter th from doing business with you.I have known business owners who do not even want to place their phone numbers on their websites because they don’t feel they have time to answer calls. This is an example of a hurdle that customers have to jump in order to contact those businesses.Why would a business make it difficult for a potential customer to make contact? Do not let operational issues make it difficult for customers to shop. Have a passion for customers and make an extra effort to understand how they think and why they buy.IT’S ABOUT PEOPLEThe people who implent a business’ marketing plans are the real key to that business’ success. These people must develop the skills needed to understand customers and keep the company moving in the direction of meeting target-market needs.Teamwork is critical to the success of any marketing plan as everyone in the business usually sees thselves as marketing professionals.This includes not only making things easier for the customer but also making operations easier for the company.MARKETING TAKES TIMENever give up. Marketing takes time and practice owners who are committed to the project will succeed as long as they give patients what they want.Rber the infamous line, “If you build it, they will come.” Now make some modifications: “If you build it, they will come… but only if you tell th where to go and ensure you can service th.”Be confident. Ask for help when necessary and keep focus on meeting the needs of patients and customers.In this way, practices that can implent common sense sales and marketing that are not so common will soon be on the road to higher levels of success.
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