Mrs Dorothy Carlborg, chief executive officer of the CCLSA, said the program committee is putting together “an outstanding program” for the two -and-a- half days of the congress, delivered by an array of talented local and international speakers, with the program aimed at enlightening and sharing experiences among the audience of optometrists, ophthalmologists, researchers, and optometry students.
“Industry leaders are invited to showcase their products and services to an elite, highly-sought-after target audience,” Mrs Carlborg said.
Kenneth Bell, Sydney-based optometrist and highly-regarded contributor to the society over 40 years, described ICCLC as “the biggest and brightest contact lens congress in the southern hisphere.”
Since 1962 the CCLSA has promoted education, research, professional development and networking in the cornea and contact lens field.
Delegate registrations are now open.
Information: or Sane Event Group,, or (02) 9553 4820.
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